About me

I am an incoming PhD student at the University of Washington in Seattle, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

I graduated from the University of Southern California, Viterbi School of Engineering. I received my B.S in Electrical and Computer Engineering and my M.S. in Electrical Engineering in 2022.

My current/past research interests include:

  • Optical/Photonic Computing
  • Quantum Computing
  • CMOS Neuromorphic Circuits
  • Spiking Neural Networks
  • Machine Learning Acceleration with Emerging Technologies
  • Software/Hardware Co-design

My personal interests include reading sci-fi/fan-fi/detective novels, playing Hearthstone, cooking dark cuisines.

The complete CV can be found here: CV.pdf


  • Parity-time symmetric optical neural networks
    • Haoqin Deng, Mercedeh Khajavikhan
    • Optica, Oct., 2021.
  • AccQOC: Accelerating Quantum Optimal Control Based Pulse Generation
    • Jinglei Cheng, Haoqin Deng, Xuehai Qian
    • International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), May, 2020.


  • Optical computing
    Research Assistant; Supervised by Prof. Mercedeh Khajavikhan; Jun 2021 – present
    • Researched various architectures of Optical Neural Network(ONN), Quantum Optical Neural Network(QONN), Continuous/Discrete Variable Quantum Computation
    • Developed PT-ONN architecture with cascading PT-symmetric couplers, based on modulations of gain/loss contrasts; implemented simulations of on-chip training of PT-ONN using finite difference method with Python; achieved 68% training accuracy on MNIST dataset; simulated directional couplers in COMSOL; verified system transfer matrix of PT couplers with Mathematica
    • Reproduced on-chip training of MZI-based ONN with Python; achieved 71% on-chip training accuracy on MNIST dataset
    • Investigated the detrimental effect of V-shaped, intensity-dependent optical nonlinearity on VGG network architecture
  • Spiking Neural Networks: Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
    Research Assistant, supervised by Prof. Peter Bereel; Aug 2021 - present
    • Developed custom Spiking LSTM that allows pipelined inferencing
    • Implemented custom Analog LSTM and Spiking LSTM module with PyTorch;
    • Implemented RNN-to-SNN conversion through weight transfer and spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) training; achieved 85%, 96% testing accuracy on IMDB, temporal-MNIST datasets
  • CMOS neuromorpic circuits
    Research Assistant; Supervised by Prof. Alice Parker; Jun 2021 – August 2021
    • Developed VLSI circuits of excitatory/inhibitory synapse, Axon Hillock, STDP-dopamine-noise synapse, dendritic spiking, edge detector, voltage adder, using Cadence; designed transistors to operate at subthreshold regime; obtained ideal biological waveforms for each circuit component
    • Designed a multi-layer neural network with edge-detection, STDP-synapse, and dopamine-modulation layers; used PyTorch to simulate the network topology, spike propagation, and synaptic weight update, with hardware-realistic parameters; achieved unity accuracy on self-designed four-class, nine-pixel dataset
    • Report
  • Quantum computing
    Research Assistant; Supervised by Prof. Xuehai Qian; May 2019 – Sept 2020
    • Developed Accelerating Quantum Optimal Control (accQOC), a comprehensive compilation methodology that accelerates pulse generation by 9x:
      • partitioned the DAG of quantum circuit into sub-components under size constraints, using Qiskit
      • concatenated QOC pulses of each components using dynamic programming
      • balance partitionioned the MST of computing nodes for efficient parallel computation, using METIS
    • Worked on the optimization of VQE(Variational Quantum Eigen-solver) algorithm:
      • worked on circuit-level implementation of VQE with pyQpanda
      • optimized VQE measurement overhead through joint measurement of commuting Hamiltonians; projecting linearly-independent basis terms onto qubit computational basis using stabilizer formalism
      • worked on pulse-level optimization of VQE circuits using Qiskit open-pulse and QOC
  • In-memory computing with InP memristor
    Research Assistant; Supervised by Prof. Rehan Kapadia; Jun 2020 – Jan 2021
    • Researched various architectures of mapping ANN/SNN onto hardware using semiconductor devices that mimic synapses, neurons
    • Simulated a temporal-encoded convolutional Spiking Neural Network(SNN) and a rate-encoded SNN with PyTorch, incorporating InP-synapse STDP parameters; achieved 89 & 91% training accuracies respectively, on MNIST dataset
    • Collaborated on designing Arduino/breadboard implementation of neural networks, utilizing a crossbar array of InP memristors
    • Grew InP using the Low-Temperature Templated Liquid-Phase(LT-TLP) technique


  • Summer Internship, Shanghai AIKE Measurement Co. (July 2018 – August 2018)
    • Learned to use Labview to sample data and control hardware
    • Used Labview to automate a printer to print labels on a streamline
    • Assisted in designing the structure of a dispenser


  • Mobile App: Go Eat
    • Developed a cross-platform app that recommends restaurants according to users’ preferences
    • Developed KNN and genetic models to recommend restaurants based on users’ and restaurants’ features
    • Implemented data fetching and storage using Firebase
  • Desktop Game: Mind Palace
    • Developed a game that trains players to master ”Mind Palace” mnemonic technique
    • Designed game stages and implemented them with SDL library
    • Extracted key information from sentences with Google Cloud API
  • Neural Signal Sampling
    • Collaborated on designing a neural-signal sampling device
    • Realized data transfer between FPGA and PC using Opal-Kelly’s API; implemented SPI protocol to transfer data between FPGAs; visualized data on PC end with matplotlib library

Class Projects

  • Reinforcement Learning in Games
    • Developed customized gym-compatible, overhead-shooting game environment with pygame
    • Trained AI agents to achieve close to full score with Deep Q learning (DQN), written with PyTorch
    • Currently extending the current framework to allow multi-player collaboration
    • Implemented a 32 bit MAC unit with Brent-kung Adder and Array Multiplier;
    • Created schematics and drew layouts using Cadence
  • Parallel Programming
    • Developed grayscale-to-color image conversion using CNN
    • Converted python model into C++ model using keras2cpp library
    • Parallelized convolution-layer computation using OpenMP and Pthread library
  • Video Game Programming
    • Implemented 2D classical Arcade games such as Zelda, Super Mario, PAC-MAN
    • Implemented 3D games such as Mario Cars, FPS, Parkor game
    • Programmed game engines using C++ and SDL libraries
  • FPGA Arcade Game “SPLATOON”
    • Designed a 2D-board Splatoon game that runs on a Xilinx FPGA Spartan 6, implemented with Verilog
    • Integrated joystick module for user control and VGA module for image display
  • Web Game “Mission Universe”
    • Created a web-based, multiplayer jet-fighting game, using HTML, JavaScript, Java
    • Utilized Phaser API to construct game elements and WebSocket to transmit data in multiplayer mode
  • Home Light System IoT Project
    • Developed a remote light control system running on Raspberry Pi
    • Fetched data from light sensor and transmit it through OpenMote
    • Utilized MQTT library to transmit data and control illumination
  • Code Compiler
    • Implemented a compiler that parses a realistic program into tree structure, with Bison and C++
    • Generated assembly language and computed values of variables and memories
  • Accelerometer
    • Developed an accelerometer running on Arduino
    • Integrated a rotary encoder to set threshold and a buzzer to present speed, controlled by interrupt



  • Python
  • C/C++
  • Java
  • PyTorch
  • Qiskit
  • pyqpanda
  • Verilog
  • Cadence

Related Course

  • EE514: Quantum Error Correction
  • EE301: Linear Systems
  • EE370: Electromagnetism
  • EE354: Introduction to Digital Circuits
  • EE348: Electronic Circuits
  • EE451: Parallel and Distributed Computation
  • EE457: Computer System Organization
  • EE477: MOS VLSI Circuit Design
  • EE459: Embedded System Design Laboratory
  • EE520: Introduction to Quantum Computing
  • EE582: Neuromorphic Computing
  • EE540: Quantum Electronics
  • CSCI527: Applied Machine Learning in Games
  • CSCI201: Pinciple of Software Engineering
  • CSCI270: Introduction to Algorithms and Theory of Computing
  • CSCI104: Objected Oriented Programming
  • CSCI353: Internetworking
  • Math407: Propability Theory
  • Math445: Mathematics of Physics and Engineering
  • Phys438: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
  • Phys304: Mechanics
  • ITP445: Professional C++
  • ITP380: Video Game Programming